How You Can Help Us?
Help Bring Back Humanity & Be Creative!
Donations are the best way to support We Are Bikers - Where Bikers Unite. We accept donations & gifts. We are still building, and probably will constantly be building. The biker tells us where to place the donations. The gifts are given to us freely, but we will always place the gifts back into our organization. Gifts we have a bit more free will to where they go.
Either way, donations are the best option for us to grow this community organization.
We accept CashApp, Paypal, VENMO, MoneyOrder, WesternUnion, Check, and Cash (only in person for safety)
Help Advertise Through Us
We offer different options to advertise through us, and different starting amounts. We want to do it on a case by case basis, but do have some general spreadsheets that show options, and unique ideas to help bring the businesses that advertise us just as much support back.
Gifts/Donations Links
CASH APP: $wherebikersunite
venmo: @wearebikerswherebikersunite
We do take cash payments in person
We do accept checks by mail 214 C Odom Rd Warwick, GA 31796
Reach Out To Us
We are an extremely creative organization, and want to go above and beyond the entire biker/motorcycle community. Reach out to us by cell phone, or by email. Suggest ideas to us. If a business, individual rider, organization, and so forth wants to team up! We are all about teaming up! It can be really strange requests for us to think "outside the box "when it comes to working with them.
The Bartering Process
The Bartering Options
We are all about exchanging services to help our cause. We feel that not everyone can afford to pay, or be able to help without the barter options. The company will have to come to us, and pitch to us. Creativity is the key. Let's exchange goods, or think outside the box to barter to help each other.